A few words about

What We Do

About us

Our organization provided following services for Women & Girls


One on one/Group/family units

⦁ Alcohol and drug counselling for users
⦁ Alcohol and drug counselling for family members
⦁ Family Violence support
⦁ Anxiety/depression
⦁ Relationship issues
⦁ Pre/Post natal depression
⦁ Trauma related issues

Information, Referral and Outreach Support

⦁ Telephone
⦁ Email
⦁ advocacy


Public speaking/engagement

⦁ Empowering women’s workshops
⦁ Intersectionality workshops
⦁ Women’s rights in Islam
⦁ Prevention of Violence against Women & Children
⦁ Family Violence Awareness Campaigns
⦁ Health Relationships
⦁ Motivational Speeches for High School Students

Holistic Wellness Retreats

⦁ One day retreats for healing
⦁ Weekend retreats for healing

⦁ Assist in coordinating or manage life stages, transitions & supports.
⦁ Innovative Community Participation
⦁ Development of daily living & Life Skills
⦁ Early intervention support for early childhood support
⦁ Participation in Community
⦁ Therapeutic Supports
⦁ Support Coordination
⦁ Group based community activities